Abelon Systems joins Bluetooth SIG

Abelon Systems are pleased to announce we are now members of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) We are actively working on a variety of Bluetooth related projects and it is important to us to stay abreast of new developments, particularly as Bluetooth 5 is about to arrive. The Bluetooth SIG is a global community […]

Hardware Integration Choices – Build, Buy or a bit of Both?

A common discussion point with many of our clients, particularly the smaller ones, is whether they should try to buy an “off-the-shelf” hardware platform, or design a bespoke system from scratch. The usual answer is “it depends” and while I’m not claiming that we have the definitive design solution I’d like to share some of […]

Embedded Firmware Refactoring, Optimisation and Migration

Even if you aren’t planning to develop a brand new product, there are a number of options to help improve your current embedded product line. Legacy products are often based on older hardware platforms which often become obsolete or end-of-life by the silicon vendor. Customers are also always looking for better features and improved performance […]

Subsea Control System Wins Subsea UK Innovation and Technology Award

One of Abelon’s long standing partners, Aker Solutions, has triumphed at the Subsea UK Awards, winning the Innovation and Technology Award for its Vectus™ 6.0 Subsea Electronics Module (SEM). Abelon Systems was chosen by Aker Solutions to help design and develop the embedded firmware for the Vectus 6.0 platform. Having worked with Aker since 2005 to […]

Abelon Systems to Present at NSRI Technology and Innovation Showcase

Edinburgh based embedded systems company Abelon has announced that it will be presenting at the NSRI Technology and Innovation Showcase to be held on September 23rd at the Village Hotel, Kingswells, Aberdeen. Abelon Systems Managing Director Ian Smith will present a talk on some of the “Do’s and Don’ts” of outsourcing software development and how Abelon […]

SIGFOX – A new technology for IoT comms?

  SIGFOX – A new technology for IoT comms? It’s quite likely you’ve never heard of SIGFOX, or if you have it has been sketchy at best on details. So what is it, and why should you care? SIGFOX has been designed from the ground up as a low throughput data transmission technology, including […]

Scottish Device Developers’ Conference 2015

The 2015 Scottish Device Developers’ Conference was a great success and we’d like to say a big thank you to all the visitors who came to see us, either at the talk or who stopped by our stand to say hello. Abelon Systems Managing Director Ian Smith gave a talk on developing embedded systems […]

Software Revision Control Using Git

Any company involved in software development will use a revision control tool.  Many of these tools, such as CVS and Subversion, work by storing file differences in a central repository.  Over recent years however there has been a growing realisation of the limitations of these tools when compared to Git which, rather than file differences, […]

Abelon Systems to Present at 2015 Scottish Device Developer Conference

Edinburgh based embedded systems company Abelon has announced that it will be once again presenting at The Scottish Device Developers’ Conference to be held this year on June 4th at Uphall. Abelon Systems Managing Director Ian Smith will present a talk on developing embedded systems for harsh environments using examples from case studies from a number […]

Alternative Project Management Strategies

Here is an interesting link to a presentation with some comparisons of different approaches to project management. Here at Abelon we use various management strategies tailored to the needs of individual projects, but we like Agile because it keeps projects on time and never compromises on quality. Our customers like the regular updates on […]

Smart Meters and the Internet of Things

Embedded systems as a specific market and technology emerged shortly after the invention of the microprocessor and microcontroller and before the emergence of the PC. Historically the market has matured rapidly to the present day, the common factor being a general increase in the available processing power and corresponding decrease in the physical size of […]

Abelon Systems partner with EDMI to produce smart meters for the Italian market.

Abelon Systems have partnered with leading smart meter manufacturer EDMI to produce a series of innovative meters for the Italian market.   Abelon and EDMI have worked together to develop sophisticated and innovative firmware, enabling standalone communications and a metering application that is designed specifcially for the Italian market.   EDMI will supply 2i Rete Gas […]