Database Solutions
Abelon has the vital IT skill and experience to provide you with a bespoke database, whatever size or type of corporation.

Database solutions
Abelon has the vital IT skills and experience to provide you with a bespoke database system, whatever size or type of corporation.
A high-performing database is often the linchpin of an organisation. Applications are vast and can include online booking systems, asset management, customer relationship management and computer telephony integration.
We know it’s not just about the reliable storage of data. We also offer bespoke encryption systems so that you benefit from unprecedented data security – accessed by you whenever necessary.
Turnkey Solutions
Abelon has the vital IT skills and experience to provide you with a bespoke database system, whatever size or type of corporation.
We can provide a complete turnkey solution from gathering initial requirements to system design and deployment. We can select the best database engine for your scenario and will design the database schema, SQL queries & stored procedures. We use these technologies to build powerful database-enabled applications. The applications can be embedded or sit on a standard desktop.
Furthermore, we pull it all together into a fully-integrated and tested system.

Our Experience
Our experience includes development against Microsoft’s SQLServer and, for smaller deployments, its MSDE product using the ADO, ADO.NET and the lighter-weight ODBC APIs. On the Linux side, we can provide solutions with various open-source servers including MySQL from Oracle and Firebird using ODBC. In the Web-services domain, we can integrate database access via SOAP/XML or CORBA. We also have experience building distributed systems using RESTful web services and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data syntax for lightweight systems or where network services are limited.
The multi-platform background of the Abelon team means that you can be assured of interoperability between the different parts of the system. Using industry standard interfaces such as ODBC, connectivity can be guaranteed regardless of which operating system is hosting the client or the server. Mixing Linux and Windows platforms is easily achievable.
To facilitate such interoperability, Abelon have developed the AbelDB software toolkit. While greatly reducing development timescales, AbelDB also future-proofs your solution by allowing migration from one database server architecture to another – without the need to re-write the client application(s).
Interoperability with the AbelDB Software Toolkit
Unlike many embedded database providers, Abelon’s team has a multi-platform background which means you benefit from interoperability between different parts of your database system. Connectivity between different operating systems and hosts is possible thanks to our specially-developed AbelDB Software Toolkit. This kit significantly reduces development time/costs and can future-proof your solution by removing the need to re-write any applications in the event of database migration.
If you’re looking for a partner who can provide you with a fully-integrated, reliable database solution, contact Abelon today.

Our capabilities:
- Turnkey solutions – gathering initial requirements, system design and deployment
- Selecting database engines and designing schema
- Managing SQL queries and stored procedures
- Building embedded or desktop database applications
- In-depth knowledge of Microsoft’s MSDE product (using ADO, ADO.NET), Linux open-source servers (e.g. MySQL; Firebird using ODBC), integrated database access via SOAP/XML or CORBA